Please fill all the fields of the contact form showed and send it. In order to start the process, the dedicated agent for this product/package, will receive the information and contact you via phone or e-mail in order to arrange the first meeting. In order to save your time and money, we have already prepare a logical schema or structure base on which all the materials, photos and texts will be prepared. This schema or structure will be our guide on building your webpage.
In our first meeting we will answer to all your questions that you might have. Information’s such as Logo, Text Information, Photos should be delivered to us via digital way (e-mail, USB etc), which should be prepared as requested according to our schema or structure, updated with the latest changes as requested from your side, which you already have downloaded from our website.
A down payment of 45% of all the project/package is requested in order to start the building of the webpage. The remaining part will be executed max up to 7 days after the presentation of the webpage, build according to every the information delivered/make available from you.